This is the kitchen where we talk about food, life, and recovery—a spiritual path to healing and peace.

You are invited to keep coming back to A Cup of Kindness to share your experience, strength and hope; fears, doubts and insecurities; and to pick up information, inspiration … and have a little fun!

My story
In January 2007, at the age of 51, I joined a 12-step program and began my recovery from food addiction, losing 75 pounds in the process. Read more…

In January 2011, at the age of 55, I began my recovery from a multi-trauma accident, 36 fractures, damaged lungs, and post traumatic stress. Read more…

I am deeply grateful for all the kindnesses, large and small, offered to me in recovery. Here I am... alive… still making progress … still not perfect … finding a new way forward in a growing community of women and men who share a lot in common around food and life.

I hope you'll join me in this kitchen and let me know what's cooking with you.

A Cup of Kindness

Open Heart Project


Planting the Seeds

Japanese Garden Tatton Park



life is a garden,
not a road

we enter and exit
through the same gate

where we go matters less
than what we notice

~ Bokonon ~

Day 5 of Continuing Recovery

Today, I am teaching myself a new way of talking about my body… choosing words with positive connotations.

I’m calling my left leg “my left leg” — not weak. While I’m walking, my left leg is learning from my right leg how to reach out, strike with my heel first, and how to build muscle while stepping up and pushing off with my left gluteal muscle and left quads.

I’m calling my right leg “my right leg” — not asleep or numb or wooden or tight. My right leg is learning from my left leg how to feel the floor, stand on my toes, and balance.

So, each leg is a teacher and a learner. My body feels happier this way and more inclined to practice continually.

Similarly, I’m noticing the effects of my food-life thoughts and words on my actions and habits.

I am planting the seeds I would like to grow within the garden of my consciousness… gratitude, love, liberation and peace.

Love & Light,


4 Comments to Planting the Seeds

  1. Myra TAte's Gravatar Myra TAte
    September 21, 2012 at 10:42 am | Permalink

    beautiful – I feel that you are honoring your life – mom

  2. dana's Gravatar dana
    September 21, 2012 at 12:03 pm | Permalink

    Gorgeous photo, too! And honor is a good word.

  3. September 21, 2012 at 2:26 pm | Permalink

    getting stronger every day- I like that.

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