This is the kitchen where we talk about food, life, and recovery—a spiritual path to healing and peace.

You are invited to keep coming back to A Cup of Kindness to share your experience, strength and hope; fears, doubts and insecurities; and to pick up information, inspiration … and have a little fun!

My story
In January 2007, at the age of 51, I joined a 12-step program and began my recovery from food addiction, losing 75 pounds in the process. Read more…

In January 2011, at the age of 55, I began my recovery from a multi-trauma accident, 36 fractures, damaged lungs, and post traumatic stress. Read more…

I am deeply grateful for all the kindnesses, large and small, offered to me in recovery. Here I am... alive… still making progress … still not perfect … finding a new way forward in a growing community of women and men who share a lot in common around food and life.

I hope you'll join me in this kitchen and let me know what's cooking with you.

A Cup of Kindness

Open Heart Project




“When pigs fly!” This is me. “Wheeeee!!” At least when it comes to food. I’m impulsive. A fast forgetter (and a slow learner). I think I can do the impossible — eat sweets without consequences. I may be racing merrily along, hardly touching the ground, but I’m running into all sorts of trouble.

Today I’m taking my body seriously.

Right now, I’m elevating the foot that suffered a sprain last week. This morning, after my trainer provided some hands-on healing, we gave my foot a rest and spent the rest of the session on upper body strengthening.

I just had my abstinent lunch. This morning, I said the Serenity Prayer, did my Quiet Time and then spoke honestly with my sponsor. We talked about my weekend off the food and alcohol beam.

We agreed that Quiet Time will help me to notice a desire for the immediate gratification of refined foodstuff; and then to take a pause and ask myself, “What do I want that is not immediately accessible?”

The theory is that I am craving deeper spiritual nourishment which I’m covering up with intoxication. The nourishment that I’m denying myself could be a conscious connection with my husband, Higher Power, Nature, or my body.

A spiritual relationship with my body certainly includes food. For some people it might even include cake. Not me. It’s a bit the reverse of Eliza Doolitle’s line, “Gin was mother’s milk to her!” Instead, my line is, “Cake is like heroin to me.”

So, just for today, I’m slowing down, planting myself, and taking my body seriously by taking my sprained ankle seriously and my addiction seriously. I’ve got my foot up and I’m eating three weighed and measured meals, without flour or sugar and with nothing in between. I’m paying attention to my deepest desires, connecting with others, and will be attending a 12-step meeting this evening.

Feels like Recovery.

Love & Light,


8 Comments to Seriously…

  1. Myra Tate's Gravatar Myra Tate
    June 11, 2012 at 4:53 pm | Permalink

    My goodness, you didn’t mention the sprained ankle on our trip to Emily’s graduation! I know I ate everything in sight and even some things that were quite well-hidden – a certain substance that one finds in up-scale Inns under a fancy pillow that you remove before getting into bed! So now I am following my plans for a return to better health. Love, mom

    • June 12, 2012 at 7:30 am | Permalink

      Hi Mom!

      Thanks for our conversations this past weekend. They helped me to know you better and kept me awake to my own actions and reactions to life.

      Yesterday, I was abstinent. Last night I went to my 12-step study group meeting. This morning, I did some Quiet Time and said my prayers, including a prayer that I would continue my abstinence… just for today. One day at a time. Yup!

      Love & Light,


  2. nicola's Gravatar nicola
    June 11, 2012 at 7:43 pm | Permalink

    sometimes when I get a stupid craving I drink a glass, a favorite glass i have, of water.
    It becomes especially precious as I go to the mountain spring when my jugs are empty and
    I thank the spring and when I am in areally smart mood I bespeak a jug or two with specila wishes or whatever strikes my fancy.
    So, I have a ritual around water, so to speak . I am a firm believer that our sugar etc. fed brains
    sometimes cross the impuls : hunger/ thirst.
    More unasked for bits from nicola that nobody reads anyway. So, I write it as an affirmation for myself.
    I want to bespeak the water more often with happy messages.

    • June 12, 2012 at 7:22 am | Permalink

      Dear friend, Nicola,

      Your advice is always welcome and is probably read by many. Still, often what I write is really for myself… just as you are saying it’s an affirmation for yourself.

      There’s something here in what you write about cravings that strikes a chord. Not sure what it is. I’ll sit with it.

      Your blessings of the water with happy messages are inspiring. Thank you.

      Love & Light,


  3. June 12, 2012 at 11:49 pm | Permalink

    I like this water glass idea. I will try it. I too like to eat and have not been able to get to my yoga or any exercise for a week and feel it.

  4. nicola's Gravatar nicola
    June 14, 2012 at 10:08 am | Permalink

    and I with both of you- as soon as I wrote it I took a new gallon jar of mountain source water and bespoke it: please help guide me along a path that is thebest for me” or something of that sort.
    See how you impact all of us with your openess, beloved Valerie.
    How different does it feel to be married, you two?
    Guess that may not belong on this page though.
    blessings strokings self assurance ” I have come so far and I am proud of myself and gratefulö for all the helping angel spirits.
    Hi to a miraculous mom. nicola

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